Welcome to TooFAST!

About TooFAST
The TooFAST initiative is committed to providing users with a simple online survey tool for teachers to assess their students' impressions of their courses and their teaching. Using TooFAST does not cost anything and we are offering all our code under the terms of the GPL.
About Anonymous Online Assessment of Teaching
Traditionally, teaching assessments are conducted at the end of a course - a practice that precludes students from offering constructive feedback during the course. However, conducting online instructor-designed assessments opens a proactive dialogue with students about teaching, the curriculum, and the entire learning process.
Becoming a Co-Sponsor
If you or your institution would like to become a TooFAST sponsor, please contact Bruce Ravelli at bravelli@toofast.ca.
Joining the Project
If you would like to contribute programming ideas, do quality assurance or get involved with the technical aspects of the project please contact Zvjezdan Patz at zpatz@toofast.ca.